
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I have been traveling the world for 10 months now. I’ve seen different people, experienced different cultures, tasted different foods, heard different languages and looked at the world from different vantage points. Despite all the differences I have seen, there are common threads that weave in and out of each country, somehow knitting us all together a beautiful and holy way. 

Language barriers are a real thing and they have been an obstacle for me that I was not expecting. But the joy experienced in connecting with someone despite our inability to communicate through words is astounding. There is something so powerful about it. I have been to 10 countries and have heard 8 different languages. Yet, there is one word I have heard in every country. One word that remains the same despite all the differences. One word that unites the body of believers together; a common thread, if you will. 


Shouted by pastor Willy in Colombia looking out over the city of Medellin, to brother Phil in Bolivia sitting on a boat in the Amazon river, to pastor Samson in a small village in India and used to end our time of intercession by pastor Raul, here in Romania. In every church service. In every country. In every language, its meaning remains the same. 

Hallelujah: praise the Lord. It is a simple definition but a powerful weapon used all over the world, breaking every language barrier and stopping the enemy dead in it’s tracks. 

When someone shouts it, you shout it back, as a way to praise the Lord and bring his body together in the midst of so many differences. It’s common to mankind. It’s unity. It’s home away from home. 

Sara asked me once, “What are some holy moments you have experienced on the race?” There have been plenty but the ones that stick out the most to me have involved worshipping with the churches in each country. I love getting to listen to the beautiful people praise God in their native language. Even though I have no clue what they are singing, I feel the presence of God so strongly that I can’t help but worship along in my own song. It is beautiful to be reminded that there are endless amounts of words in thousands of languages that can be used to praise our God. Even if we were to use all of them, it still wouldn’t be enough to give Him the praise that He deserves. Oh but we still try, and He loves that we do. 

Unity is something that I have come to find means so much to me. I crave unity in all areas of my life; in my relationship with God, in my body, soul and spirit, and in my relationships with others. It is very hard to acquire unity with people of a country when there are so many obstacles set out to come against it. Obstacles such as language, culture, and the simple fact of only having one month to spend with them. BUT the beautiful thing is that in a single moment, unity can be achieved. It is in moments of worship to our God where it comes so effortlessly and beautifully. This is so powerful. Our praise for the Creator is what unites us together. No matter what may stand against us or come between us, hallelujah, praise for our God, brings us back to each other.

One God. One body of believers. One Hallelujah.

Praise to our God. 

Here is a video I put together of some moments of worship captured on the race. 

Thanks to my squad mate, Connor Gaul, for the Raise a Hallelujah video footage from Nepal.

hallelujah: worshipping around the world




  1. As believers were our United through our faith and love of our heavenly Father. In service today pastor talked about in revelations- there was the vision of people of all nations praising ,in different languages. What a blessing to have experienced this in 10 countries. Thank you for sharing! Love to you.

  2. Cami we were all sitting around the table listening to the video… cutest thing ever! Carley was crying saying how on earth is cami going to come home after that! What a precious time!

  3. Cami we were all sitting around the table listening to the video… cutest thing ever! Carley was crying saying how on earth is cami going to come home after that! What a precious time!

  4. Hi Cami! You and I are much alike…. I love unity and I love worship. I raise my HALLELUJAH with you! What an amazing blessing to worship with people from all over the world. Such a sweet video! Praying for a supernatural end to your Race. Love you!

  5. Cami, sorry to hear your back is giving you trouble. I’ve been praying for you telling Satan to leave you Carley And the rest of us alone in the name of Jesus he has no right to cause sickness or anything else in our family for we ALL BELONG TO JESUS. We were all over your house to send Perry and your parents off to CALLY. Jon was here all weekend and Carley was excited. Carley goes Friday for blood work. I don’t have any major concern God has us covered. We must be doing something right for CHRIST OR he wouldn’t be trying so heard to keep us down. Put your ARMOUR ON BABY GIRL. Love you and I need a big hug.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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