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altogether beautiful



Happy Birthday, big sister. Oh how I miss you. So so much. I miss just being next to you, playing games, and singing absolutely nothing that makes sense. I miss our jams to old alternative music and our boy John Mayer. I miss bunking with you for those six weeks at home. I miss the adventures we take together. I miss that loud, slightly obnoxious laugh of yours. 

You are 25 years old. I cant believe how fast time flies. Can you believe that four years ago sat at Mocha House and decided to go get tattoos? At that point in my life that was the most spontaneous thing I had ever done. I always swore I would never get a tattoo, but I did it because of you. I’m telling you, Car, you bring out a different side of me. I got that tattoo because of you, because of what the verse had brought us through together as sisters, and because I recognized it’s importance and its truth. 

Song of Solomon 4:7 “You are altogether beautiful my love, there is no flaw in you.” Four years later and it’s still more true than ever. You are beautiful, sis. You are flawless. There is no dent or wrinkle or imperfection in the story that God has written for you. Every piece plays a part and every — not so seemingly perfect— moment is what makes up the beauty of the life God has given you. I love the way you embrace and walk in your identity. I love the way you inspire, love and care for those around you. 

I pray that this next year of your life is full of more beauty, wonder and awe than you’ve ever experienced before. I pray that you press into all that God has for you without fear or hesitation. I pray you recognize even more, the flawlessness that encompasses you. 

I could not have asked for a more beautiful sister; inside and out. 

I love you so much, Car. Don’t ever forget that. 

